Options - Users¶

In this section you will see a list of the current users defined on the system. You can also add or delete users from here. It is recommended you do not delete the admin user unless you have created another fully privileged user to take over the same role. Each user is defined with a name and password (which is hidden) as well as an enabled setting which you can use to temporarily enable or disable users, for example a guest user for limited time access. As well as that there is a language setting that allows you to define user specific languages. Setting a language here that is different than the system language will mean that when that user logs in they will have the web interface presented in their own language rather than the system default, if it is available.
There are also five values that define the user permissions, these are ‘Stream’, ‘Events’, ‘Control’, ‘Monitors’ and ‘System’ Each can have values of ‘None’, ‘View’ or ‘Edit’ apart from ‘Stream’ which has no ‘Edit’ setting. These values cover access to the following areas; ‘Stream’ defines whether a user is allowed to view the ‘live’ video feeds coming from the cameras. You may wish to allow a user to view historical events only in which case this setting should be ‘none’. The ‘Events’ setting determines whether a user can view and modify or delete any retained historical events. The ‘Control’ setting allows you to indicate whether the user is able to control any Pan/Tilt/Zoom type cameras you may have on your system. The ‘Monitors’ setting specifies whether a user can see the current monitor settings and change them. Finally the ‘System’ setting determines whether a user can view or modify the system settings as a whole, such as options and users or controlling the running of the system as a whole.
As well as these settings there is also a ‘Bandwidth’ setting which can be used to limit the maximum bandwidth that a user can view at and a ‘Monitor Ids’ setting that can be used for non-’System’ users to restrict them to only being able to access streams, events or monitors for the given monitors ids as a comma separated list with no spaces. If a user with ‘Monitors’ edit privileges is limited to specific monitors here they will not be able to add or delete monitors but only change the details of those they have access to. If a user has ‘System’ privileges then the ‘Monitors Ids’ setting is ignored and has no effect.’